Mary, Help of Christians
954 N. Maple Ave, Fairborn OH 45324

MHC Social Actions

Upholding Social Action Principles

About Us

Mary, Help of Christians Social Actions strives to encourage and enable projects that promote one or more of the social action principles. We try to balance local, regional and international projects. We do this in part by suggesting to the pastor that the parish donate money to projects. We use our time and talents by volunteering for projects. We also sponsor appropriate educational events locally and regionally. All are welcome to attend our meetings on the second Wednesday of the month at 7PM in St. Francis Hall. We meet August through June.

Some of the ministries and projects we support are...

  • Operation Rice Bowl
  • St Vincent De Paul
  • Fairborn Women's Network
  • Good Shepherd Clinic in Belize
  • Becky DeWine School in Haiti
  • Daughters of Isabella Christmas Project
  • Sonset Cafe at St. Mark's Lutheran Church
  • MHC Green and their garden projects

Read our Newsletter!

See what we've been up to and how we are working to promote and advance the social actions principles.

Winter 2024 Newsletter

Catholic Social Teaching

Life and Dignity of the Human Person

The dignity of the human person is reflective of Jesus' ministry. All life, from conception thru natural death, is held sacred. Abortions, euthanasia, the death penalty, poverty, animal cruelty, discrimination, are all practices that violate this teaching.

Call to Family, Community, and Participation

The family is the core of a Christian society. Just as Jesus formed the first Christian community and early church recognized that Jesus came for all of humanity, “community” is the arena in which we live a Christian life. A society that diminishes the importance of family and promotes “rugged individualism” conflicts with Jesus’ teaching that we are interdependent with each other and dependent on God. Social or political practices that isolate large segments of the population violate this teaching.

Rights and Responsibilities

Rights to food, shelter, employment, health care, education, etc. are all recognized and supported by our Catholic tradition. A society whose economics and politics systemically deny any segment of its populations these rights violates this teaching. However, with each right comes the responsibility to use that right to advance the common good. Although Judeo-Christian tradition supports property rights, such rights must be accompanied by the responsibility to steward the property for future generations.

Option for the Poor and Vulnerable

Jesus’ commandments, The Beatitudes, begin with “Blessed are the Poor in Spirit …” Not all of God’s children are blessed with physical health, high intelligence, emotional stability, or other attributes that are necessary for success in a competitive society. Many people start life with symptoms of poor prenatal care, dysfunctional parents, unhealthy environments, etc. A Christian society supports its poor and vulnerable with a combination of private and public programs.

The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers

Work is a fundamental component of a person’s life journey. Work is necessary for a society to progress towards God’s kingdom on earth. Work that demeans a person’s dignity has been too common in our nation’s history. The exploitation of the poor and immigrants on plantations, coal mines, sweat shops, railroad gangs, farm fields, etc. violates this teaching. A just working environment is healthy, safe and provides a living wage. When these rights are not being met, Catholic tradition has a long history of supporting the right of workers to organize without intimidation.


Jesus used the story of the Good Samaritan to answer the question, “Who is my neighbor?” Our neighbor is not just the person next door; it’s the person in Africa suffering from AIDS or the person in a coastal community dependent of a healthy fish population, or a person living in a country with a corrupt government, or a family in a refugee camp. The Catholic Relief Service is an example of a Christian response to the suffering of our neighbors throughout the world.

Care for God's Creation

We are partners with God in preserving the natural world that reflects God’s glory and providence. We bless the Creator when we bless the Creator’s Creation. We grow in our spiritual understanding of God by reflecting on wonders of the natural world. When we allow this gift to be diminished by pollution, erosion, non-renewal resource extraction, over consumption, etc, we have chosen to place our personal welfare ahead of our less fortunate neighbors and future generations. Our Catholic tradition calls us to value, protect and cherish our sacramental universe.


or Call: 937-878-8353